
Our clients speak for themselves:

“I have for a long time held the view that Plevna Merinos are not merely a blood line but almost another strain within the Australian Merino. Their virtual freedom from wrinkle plus polledness, body length, very high lamb marking percentages and superb wool quality place the present day Plevna Merino in a leading position among other Merino strains – both Australian produced and those derived from other countries. Boyd Aveyard may have already produced Merino ewes which will outproduce the 1st Cross Ewe.”

Frank Donnelly, Plevna Stud and Flock Classer 1972-2009.

“Since making the switch to Plevna, we have seen all areas of our sheep flock improve dramatically. Big improvements in fleece weights, wool quality, body size, lambing percentages and best of all surplus sheep sales.”

Peter and Marilyn Hickey, “Bellandre”, Molong, NSW  2012

“Jemalong Wool have been marketing the Plevna Merino woolclip for many years. We also market several of their clients woolclips. I have found their sheep produce soft handling wool with great crimp definition and staple length. The wool always attracts strong support at sale from Wooltrade and is a type that processes very well. Plevna Merinos are a very productive package with heavy fleece weights, good frame and highly fertile. This has always been a priority with the breeding at Plevna and Boydie and Alex are dedicated to keep building on this.”

Stephen Quirk, Jemalong Wool, NSW 2012

A great article in the Merino Annual 2017 – Fantastic result for Plevna Merino client Clint Ridley, “Kookaburragong”, Condobolin

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